
Sink size is of the utmost importance, especially if you simply wish to replace an existing sink without modifying the cabinetry. Remember that the hole in the countertop can be made bigger but not smaller, i.e. you can buy a larger sink for your existing countertop but not a smaller one. Three types of sink exist: single-, double- and triple-bowl models. Some come with an integrated drain board. If you decide on a double- or triple-bowl configuration, make sure that the dividing wall between the bowls is lower than the outside rims, to prevent water from spilling over onto the countertop or the...
Description Of One Piece Toilet Bowl and Two Piece Toilet Bowl

If the toilet and tank is fused together without any joints then the toilet is known as one piece toilet bowl. It is also known as single piece toilet bowl. If the toilet and tank are separate and joined using fittings then it is known as two piece toilet bowl . it is also called as coupled toilets bowl . Visit to our wedsite for more offer package of toilet bowl .
Built-in Basin Above Toilet Bowl

If this Toilet Bowl looks familiar, well, it should, because it's a similar model to the ones they are using in newer BTO flats. And it's no wonder, because it seems pretty water-saving to us. It works like this : the Toilet Bowl comes with a built-in basin that sits above the cistern for washing hands. The water that is used to wash your hands is then saved to use for the next time you flush your toilet. And this Toilet bowl ECO188 is available at
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Ways To Clean Your Kitchen Sink

“RUSTY SINK” Stainless steel does not rust - just like our knives , forks and spoons ! When spots of rust are found on the Sink’s surface , this is the result of foreign iron particles (from renovation works -Example : drill dust) rusting on it. A classic example is the rusty paper clip mark at the top left corner of our insurance documents (kept in the cupboard for sometimes). We won’t say that the paper is rusting as it would sound silly, right ? These rusty marks come for the iron paper clip rusting due to moisture in the...